including vile cannibalism! Despite the danger, many Conquistadores see an opportunity to prove their reputation as Europe's greatest soldiers, as well as a chance to return home with untold riches. Rumors abound that they worship pagan gods and perform sacrilegious rites.

It is a strange place inhabited by even stranger, savage peoples. However, conquest in the New World is fraught with danger. Now, Hernan Cortes, a brilliant leader determined to claim wealth and territory in the name of Spain, is following on from these great explorers. Returning explorers tell tales of gold for the taking and even entire cities made of gold! Previous Spanish expeditions to the New World, led by Hernandez de Cordoba (1517) and Juan de Grijalva (1518) have only fueled Spain's lust for conquest and riches. With Columbus' discovery of the New World in 1492-93 and the subsequent Spanish conquest of Cuba, a new avenue of unparalleled conquest has opened up. Spain has turned its attention to expanding its power by finding a new target for its battle-hardened forces and their indomitable spirit.

After recently expelling the Moors from the Iberian peninsula, the Spanish people have come to see success as their God-given birthright. The Kingdom of Spain, under the leadership of astute and powerful monarchs such as the current King Charles V, has risen to become one of Europe's paramount powers.

However, they have a small number of men and must rely on native mercenaries. They have arguably the strongest infantry, cavalry and missile troops in the Americas, with the possible exception of New France or the English Colonies. New Spain is a faction in Medieval II Total War: Kingdoms Americas campaign. New Spain on the ingame faction selection screen For the Empire: Total War faction, see New Spain (Empire: Total War).