So if you’re playing on Skyrim LE, use this to get your mods.

The process is the same for Skyrim LE ( Legendary Edition) & Skyrim SE ( Special Edition), the only difference is the version of the mods that you’re downloading (and SKSE, Skyrim Script Extender). So whether you were looking for this guide, or the general modding guide ( no difference), I’ve made sure to cover all bases. So I did the video just with him in mind, but later it turns out there are just as many people looking for this guide, as well as the general one ( which are the same by the way), hence this page here. At the time I didn’t really think there would be many people out there searching for this, rather that they would look for a guide on how to install Skyrim mods in general.

A long time ago a viewer on Youtube asked me to do a video on how to install SkyUI.